Ameer Al-Jasim
College of Medicine-University of Baghdad | Iraq
Title: Knowledge, attitude and practices of diabetic foot patients admitted to the surgical wards at baghdad teaching hospital: A cross-sectional study
Biography: Ameer Al-Jasim
Diabetic foot disease (DFD) is a common complication of DM. It forms a huge burden on the surgical wards worldwide, yet it can be prevented extensively by patients with appropriate level of knowledge, attitudes and practices towards their diabetes.
To assess the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of DFD patients using a structured questionnaire specifically developed for that purpose.
A structured questionnaire was developed to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices towards the prevention of both DM and DFD. A pilot study was conducted to examine the effectiveness and practicality of the questionnaire and scoring method, which retained scientific desirable results. The questionnaire was approved by Department of Community and Family Medicine at College of Medicine-University of Baghdad. Questionnaire scores were compared with similar studies and with the study sample itself. A total of 77 patients were included in the study.
58% were males. Only 27% had finished secondary school education. 27% were presenting with diabetic foot complications for the first time. The mean total score of the sample was 28.4 ± 5.8 out of a possible total of 44. People with secondary school education and those who’ve had DM for more than 15 years had better questionnaire scores overall. Higher knowledge scores of DM and diabetic foot disease were weakly correlated with better attitudes & practices scores for those two diseases.